Monday, February 21, 2011

a snow day in pictures

You have to realize that I haven't had a snow day in years. Well, since that freak snowstorm senior year of college that actually forced WC to close for a day. Today, my office is closed. All the other volunteers are at work. To celebrate, I downloaded the free trial of netflix and drank entirely too much tea.

I think this blizzard is mocking me for being too excited about the warm weather last week. Where is spring?

After 2 hours of snow blowing, my hair was frozen. Icicles and all.

12+ inches in the past 12 hours. It's still snowing.

Hey Mr. Snow Plow Man. Can you keep up?

Spending the day drinking tea, watching crappy tv shows, and generally not doing anything productive or work-related.
Fitting, no?

Crossword puzzle over a late breakfast.
 I could get used to this life. My snow day is ending in a little over an hour. I should probably shovel a little more, but my coat is soaking wet from this morning and I'm all cozy.

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